Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hello Library 2.0

Well here we all are - the library is abuzz with the sound of YouTube - as we all "unmute" our computers and dive in to Library 2.0. My surprise has been at the number of participants - quite exciting - especially those I didnt think would embrace this technology- go guys!

Despite having used some of the technology for over a year now, and being happy to blog on other people's sites, posting on my own blog is another thing entirely. Outside the comfort zone - yaa! Who's going to read it? Intially, I hope no one... but then again, maybe I'll get comfortable with my own voice and feel the need to get feedback - why is no one listening??!!

So out there in cyber space can anyone hear you scream? ONLY IF YOU SHOUT LOUDLY ENOUGH! With so many blogs to choose - you got to hope yours is not top of the list:) Anyway, enough from me - let me leave some comments on some of those other choice postings.....